Weather and Wildlife 1.0
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Weather and Wildlife 1.0

Weather and Wildlife is a software that improves your hunting and fishing
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Intratec Inc.
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Weather and Wildlife is a Microsoft® .NET software application that improves your hunting and fishing success by more accurately predicting the best times to hunt and fish. This program's accuracy and ease of use are the result of thousands of hours of research combined with our game-specific algorithms, and program technology.

The quest to determine the best times to hunt and fish is not a recent project. For hundreds of years people that made their living hunting and fishing recognized that there were certain times when wildlife was more abundant.

The lives of most Native Americans were completely dependent on knowing the best times to hunt and fish. People who base their existence on the ocean or lakes have long understood that solar and lunar influences help determine the best times to fish. Market hunters in the 1800s recognized that they were more successful hunting with the moon overhead or underfoot as well as during certain moon phases.

Often without knowing the exact cause of their success, they recorded the dates and times of this increased wildlife activity. By using these records, which became the earliest best time to hunt and fish charts or solunar tables, they became even more successful.

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rating ken king
It works! If you don't believe it, just watch the activity charts and compare to cattle grazing or resting.

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Beware, I paid 29.95 through paypal, I received almost instant paypal confirmation trough my e-mail that the money was withdrawn. It has been 5 days that I have been trying to reach thecompany to no avail. The phone number 3364992015 provided goes to a private mailbox of Richard Hammer (No mention of the company name) and the e-mail provided returns no such address. I left messages on the private phone, no returns. I cannot believe I have been ripped off by a link associated with a weather channel app.

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